What is the Human Field?
If any of you despite discipline, practice, dedication, and much more feel like something is blocking you, it is what we call the human field.
Learn MoreAll Of Us Are Born Into The Human Field
Accessing The Information That Has Been Lost

The Electromagnetic Pulse Field
The human field is an electromagnetic pulse field which all humans communicate with. Since humans are energetic developmental beings, when born we only communicate with the human field. Currently, the human field possesses no information as to how to get out of the abyss and we have no internal guidance system. The human field continues to dictate to us what to create.

Soul Orientation
Without soul orientation, one has no mechanism of knowing if they are creating in or out of the human field. Without this self-made organized system, we are in the position of always searching outside of ourselves for the next self-help book, modality of therapy, religion, or the latest guru.

Knowing Where We Are
Through Sensology Practice, we can learn to know we are in the human field. Without soul orientation and our developed energetic self, we cannot respond to our energetic nature of being so we can know when we are communicating with our energetic nature of being.”
Why Do We Feel Stuck?
A Brief Look Into The Field
The Folds Of The Human Brain
The evolution of the folds in the human brain has resulted in a linear field being created. It is within this linear field that humans have devolved.
The Linear Field
This linear field has trapped humans into creating cultures, societies, philosophies, and religions which then keep the human brain further trapped in the linear field.
Why Devolution?
This separated us from our spiraling fields and true brain development. Without spiraling fields, one’s inner mechanisms (the 13 Stages) do not form causing the devolution of humans. This cascading devolution process has taken humans’ energetic sensory nature, walled it into the linear field, and continues the further devolution of human brains.
The Loss Of Connection To Who We Are
These inner mechanisms of connection would have supported our evolution as the energetic and sensing beings that we are. Without these mechanisms our evolution is at risk. This linear field causes many of us to lose connection and, with our purpose eluding us, we are left ever searching, feeling empty, mentally and emotionally restless, wandering and ill.
The Human Brain Has Been Held Captive
Our knowing is that humans are energetic beings, coded from photon light, and we formed to have an experience through our bioelectric body. This vibratory bioelectric experience, miraculous and complicated, enables humans to be in communication with nature’s pulse fields.
Awaken And Rebuild
Through the 13 Energetic Developmental Stages of Humans, pulse communication awakens and rebuilds lost connections in the human body, the pulse fields of the Earth and Sky, and the structure and functions of our human vortexes.
Free From The Linear Field
Once awakened, our sensing begins to grow and whispers the way out of the linear field. We no longer connect through the linear field’s distorting mirrors. Instead, when in pulse communication we are able to heal and create life-long fulfillment and wellness.
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A Client Story
For ten years, she read every self help and new age philosophy book she could get her hands on.
Three months into Embodied Practice she had been working on developing the internal guidance systems and relayed her experience of the previous decade’s journey:
“Ever searching, I constantly read self-help and spiritual books-with each book, I became more paralyzed and overwhelmed. I knew the information in the books was wrong for others and wrong for me. So, my knowledge of what was wrong with me hurt even deeper and became an even greater burden-until I felt so trapped that I thought I was dying. A breath of air has come, now that I can sense myself and make change inside.”—Kiera’s client
Remembering What We Lost...
Through Sensology Practice and other simple techniques, you can reclaim your peace of mind and live a
happy, healthy and well life. Find Your Path To Develop What Has Never Been.
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Ever Searching
by Kiera's Client
“Ever searching, I constantly read self-help and spiritual books-with each book, I became more paralyzed and overwhelmed. I knew the information in the books was wrong for others and wrong for me. So, my knowledge of what was wrong with me hurt even deeper and became an even greater burden-until I felt so trapped that I thought I was dying. A breath of air has come, now that I can sense myself and make change inside.”
Energetic Development Mentorship
What is energetic development?
What does "supported in the Star Form" mean?
What are the Stages?
The 13 Energetic Developmental Stages of Humans
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